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A Full Explanation Of The IFTTT Application With Its Benefits And Features

best alternatives to IFTTT

The App Store contains many distinctive and useful applications, which perform many wonderful tasks, and perhaps one of the most important of these applications is the IFTTT application, an application that performs daily and routine tasks for you, the IFTTT tools contains many channels, related to the services or products that you use or own.

It accomplishes tasks based on what you do (IF rule), for example, if you change the profile picture on WhatsApp, the picture on Facebook is automatically changed.

best alternatives to IFTTT
best alternatives to IFTTT pro

What is IFTTT pro

IFTTT is an acronym for If This Then That. It is an automated operating system that communicates between different applications, web services, and devices to run user actions. The resulting sets are called Applets, which means recipes.

The IFTTT app works on all Android, iOS, Google, and Windows platforms.

Just for clarity, each of the following sentences is examples of Applets (or more precisely, they describe some of what Applets can do):

  • If you publish a blog post on Blogger, automatically publish it on Twitter.
  • “I post a specific post on my Facebook page every month.”
  • "When it's 5 PM, send a specific message to a specific friend."
  • Send me an alert when the humidity in the house is high.
  • Turn on the air conditioner when the humidity in the house is above 60%.
  • Turn off the lights at sunrise.
  • Send a picture of who knocks on the door when I'm not home

The genesis of pro IFTTT tools

Tibbets and Jesse Tane co-founded IFTTT tools in 2010 and officially launched the service in 2011, under the slogan Make the Internet Work for You, and the slogan has changed to IFTTT.

In November 2016, IFTTT ramped up its Applets, which connect two devices, an app, or a service, into widgets, capable of connecting multiple devices, apps, or services.

Examples of tasks IFTTT can do:

  • You post a tweet on Twitter and it will automatically be posted on Facebook
  • You write an article on Blogger and it will be automatically published on Facebook or Twitter
  • To forward the incoming mail to your phone number by SMS
  • Redirect all your SMS messages to your Gmail
  • To set a specific time to do a specific task such as sending a message to someone at five in the evening

There are many, many wonderful tasks that I personally cannot do without, which made this application at the forefront of useful applications and websites that I use constantly

What does IFTTT have to do with a smart home?

My site is mostly about smart homes, and as I am writing about IFTTT, I must clarify the relationship of the above explanation to the home that is.

A smart home uses tools, sensors, or things connected to the Internet, what is known as the Internet of Things, or IoT for short, a definition that you will hear a lot in the coming years.

Example from above, smart thermostats like Nest or EcoPy or Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant, Google Home, Harmony Smart Home Controller, and other things related to the Internet The explanation below is an example of what can be done and many more new things that can be done via this site.

How to register on IFTTT

Of course, you must register on the IFTTT website to use this service, and we will explain here in a simple way how to register as it is very easy.

  1. Go to the IFTTT website from this link.
  2. Click on the “Sign up” button located at the top right of the site.
  3. After clicking on it, a window will appear asking you to choose the registration method.
  4. You can register using your Facebook or Google account, or you can register independently by clicking on “Sign up” below.
  5. After pressing “Sign up” to register independently of Facebook and Google, a window will appear asking you to put your new email and password. Enter them, then press the "Enter" button on the keyboard, or the "Sign up" button on the page.
  6. If you do this correctly, a page will appear informing you that the registration process is complete, and it will look like “Welcome to IFTTT!” Clear it, and then you know that you are close to completing the registration process on the site and that you will be ready to start using the tool soon.
  7. Well, now choose 3 or more options that interest you the most, so that the site can help you better. These options could be Facebook, Android, and YouTube.
  8. After you have chosen three options, a “continue” button will appear. Click on it to continue.
  9. After that, a window will appear for you, close it by pressing the “hit sign” in the top right.
  10. With this, you are finished with the registration process. The site will show you some Applets that may interest you, and you can use any of them.

It should be noted that the registration process is free.

IFTTT pro free
IFTTT pro free

How to use the IFTTT tool

Now that you're signed up for IFTTT it's time to learn how to use this service. It all depends on the Applets as we have mentioned repeatedly, so you will find many of the programs, built, and ready for you to use. You can search through the search box at the top of the tools IFTTT website for a specific applet that you need if it is not visible on the home page. These applets may also be called a recipe.

Example: To learn how to use these Applets, we will give the following example:

Imagine that you want to save all the photos that you post on your Facebook account to Google Photos, you can do that by using this IFTTT service, and the method is as follows.

  • First Step:

Find the right Applet for this task. You can search for it using the search box at the top of the site as mentioned above. But what are the words that you must enter in the search box to find what you want? As you can see, we want to store the photos we post on Facebook on Google Photos. There are three keywords here, Facebook, which is written in English as “Facebook”, Google which is written in English as “Google” and the word for pictures which means “Photos”. Enter the three words in the search box, with a space between each word. Enter, for example, “Facebook google photos” in the search box, then press Enter.

  • The second step:

After you press Enter and the search process is finished, you will see a lot of Applets. You have to choose the appropriate Applet for the task you want. For example, if you search by entering the previous phrase to do the same thing as the previous one, you will see several Applets, some of which are in this image. Note that several Applets appear in the search process, and each does a specific task. You want to save the photos you post to Facebook in Google Photos, so you have to choose the appropriate application from the list of search results. To choose the appropriate application, read the sentences for the applications shown. Each of these sentences describes exactly what the accompanying app does. For example, the Applet at the bottom left of the previous image saves the new photos you post on Instagram on Google Photos. As for the appropriate application or Applet for the task we want to do, it is the application at the top right of the previous image, because the accompanying sentence carries the Arabic meaning “save the new photos you publish on Facebook on Google Photos.” Now that you have found the appropriate application for you, click on it, and the application's launch page will appear as in this image.

  • Step Three:

After you have found the appropriate application for what you want to do, you must launch it. To run the application, press “Turn on”, and a page will appear asking you to sign in to your Facebook account and your Google Photos account. Click “Ok” when you are ready to log in to both accounts. After pressing the “OK” button, you will be directed to the Facebook login page. You must enter your Facebook account information on the login page that appears, and log in to Facebook completely. Then a window will appear asking you to allow IFTTT to get some information about your account. Click on “Continue as XXXX”. After that, another window will appear asking you to allow IFTTT to manage your account, click OK to be directed directly to the Google account login page. Log in to Google as you did on Facebook, and give IFTTT permission to manage your photos and videos.

After you log in to your accounts in Facebook and Google, the browser will return you to the page of the application that you have chosen previously, and the application will appear to you as in the following image.

Choose the album in which you want to save the photos by pressing the arrow next to the chosen default album, which in our case is “Photos I post on Facebook”, then press the “Save” button to save.

  • Fourth Step:

After you have done everything necessary to try the application, does it work correctly or not? To do this, post a photo to Facebook and then go directly to the album you chose to save the photos too. We'll do it to see for yourself.

We posted a picture on the Facebook account we linked to IFTTT, as in this picture

A summary of the steps for using a specific Applets for a specific purpose

Now, after this detailed explanation of how to use the Applets, we will summarize the method in a few lines.

We first search for the appropriate application for the task we want IFTTT to accomplish, by entering keywords in the search box, and then searching within the search results that appear until we find the application we want. After finding the application, we have to run it, and this process takes place in several easy steps that vary according to the application we chose. For example, if the application we chose publishes the photos that you publish on Facebook on your Twitter account, it is natural and logical for the IFTTT tool to ask you to log in to Facebook and Twitter and manage your accounts in them. After doing what the application asks, we press the “Save” button to save what we have done if it asks us to do so.

Another example of Applets

In this example, we will use the IFTTT service, so that any post that we publish to our Facebook account, will be automatically published on the pages managed by that account. As we mentioned earlier, we first have to find the right application for this task.

We notice that the keywords for what we want to do are 'Share', 'Facebook', and 'Page'. Then enter these three words in the search box, but after translating them into English. The meaning of the three words in English in the order “share”, “Facebook”, and “page”. Enter these words in the search box and press Enter. And choose the appropriate search result, which is “Automatically share new Facebook status updates to a Facebook Page” i.e. “Automatically republish statuses you post on your Facebook account to the pages you manage.” When you click on this app, you'll find a more detailed description of what it does to make sure you're choosing the right app.

After clicking on the application, you will be directed to its page. As we learned earlier, you have to run the app to use it. Press “Turn on” to turn on the Applet you chose. The app will only ask you to log in to your Facebook account and give permission to IFTTT to do the necessary. After giving the permission you will be taken back to the IFTTT website page, and you will be notified that the operation succeeded in a sentence that appears at the top of the page. Now test the application by publishing a post on your personal page, then go to the pages you manage. You will notice that everything is done perfectly and effortlessly. Please note that this app is only for reposting text posts, meaning that if you post a photo to your profile, the photo will not be reposted to the pages you manage.


How to create an Applet on IFTTT?

After we've learned how to use ready-made apps, it's time for us to figure out how the apps work ourselves, because sometimes you just don't find the one you need.

How to create an Applet on IFTTT?
How to create an Applet on IFTTT?

To make an application, follow these steps carefully:

  1. After entering the IFTTT website, click on “My Applets”. You'll see your apps, along with the apps you've used.
  2. Click on the “New Applets” button at the top right of the page that appears. This page will appear.
  3. Click on the plus sign (+) next to the word “this”. A page will appear, as shown in the following image.
  4. Choose the service you want or search for it in the search box at the top and middle. (we chose youtube)
  5. After choosing a service, the site will ask you to associate your chosen service with the IFTTT service and give some permissions to IFTTT. For example, if you choose the YouTube service, IFTTT will ask you to log in to your YouTube account and allow it to manage your account. The same is true for many other services.
  6. After doing the above correctly, you have to choose the first factor that we talked about. For YouTube, there are five first “reasons” that you can choose one of. The five factors are “when you like a video,” “when you upload a new public video to YouTube,” “when a specific user you’ve subscribed to publishes a new video,” and “when you get a new message in the live chat during a live broadcast on your channel.” And finally, “When someone subscribes to your channel.”
  7. When you choose one of these factors, IFTTT may ask you for some action if required, or it may take you directly to this page.
  8. When you get to the above page, whether the site asks you for some action or not, press the plus sign (+) next to the word “that” to add the second factor or the so-called result, which will be executed when the first factor occurs.
  9. After pressing the plus sign, choose the service you want. We've chosen Gmail.
  10. After selecting the service, logging in to the service account is required. If the site asks you for something else, do it as it asks. Since we chose Gmail here, the site asked us for permission to manage some of the features of a Gmail account.
  11. After agreeing to the permission to grant IFTTT the necessary permissions, choose the second factor which is the activity that the IFTTT site will perform if you execute or happen the first factor. For Gmail, there are three options that you can choose from. The options are “Send an email to an account,” “Send an email to yourself,” and “Create an email draft in Gmail.” We chose the “Draft” activity as the second factor.
  12. After choosing the activity you want, enter the information requested by the site. For example, in our example, the site requested the email address to which the draft will be prepared to be sent, in addition to some other simple information.
  13. After completing the site requests, click on “Create action” to create the second factor, “Result”.
  14. Then click on the “Finish” button.
  15. With this, you have finished building the application or the Applet.

mobile applications

On Android (ifttt pro apk) and iOS, you can use a dedicated IFTTT app.

This application is provided by the service designers themselves. The apps have the same design as the service's website, plus they have some dynamic animation. If you try logging into your IFTTT account via the app, you will not face any problems and the login process will be very smooth, and you will notice that the performance of the app is relatively high.

There are three sections in the app which are Discover, Activity, and My Applets. These sections work in the application exactly as they work on the website, where you can create new applications, run ready applications, or disable them, and therefore it is preferable to use the application when working on the mobile because mostly, the browser takes up a relatively large amount of RAM when running This may cause the device to slow down.

What does the IFTTT tool do for you?

As we have seen IFTTT tool provides a lot of facilities to manage your accounts on many sites on the Internet. You can use the IFTTT service to take a backup copy of the photos you post on Facebook in Google Photos, and you can also post to all the Facebook pages that you manage through this service. In addition, you can do a lot of activities effortlessly and at a specific time on your smart device and much, much more.

My name is Duc "JOSEF" Le and I work in Digital Marketing at Mageplaza and BlogAvada. Mageplaza offers a comprehensive collection of over 230 extensions that are designed to work seamlessly with the latest versions of Magento 2 (Adobe Commerce). Meanwhile, BlogAvada is a blog that serves as a platform for sharing information related to websites, mobile apps, e-commerce, digital marketing, and other related topics. I encourage you to visit our websites to learn more about what we have to offer.